Brief 1 – Process

My inspiration came from the lecture we had where stock images were addressed. There are stock images for near enough everything, therefore lots of ideas came to my head. Stock images are all so staged and unrealistic, however they seem so accurate.

For example, this photo which appears under the search ‘business’ shows a small group of people all dressed smart, looking happy while having what could possibly be a meeting. While this could be accurate to a ‘business’, it’s just very cliche. There are all types of businesses, most which don’t look like this image.


Therefore, it is so easy to give a stock image another meaning, purely because there is many other meanings within.

I took my two pictures off of the internet after searching ‘people on their phones’ and ‘baby boy and girl’. Realistically a group of people on their phones would look either emotionless or show a range of emotions, and it’s is often not obvious what the gender of a baby is just from their face.

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